
Meet This Colorado-Based Wood Artisan

Portrait of Jessica Milavitz.

One look at the Selena Southwest Cabinet or the Angel on a Hill sculpture is all it takes to understand that the mind behind Sunshine Canyon Furniture Company’s unique handcrafted creations is a freethinking one.

Guided by visions, high-country landscapes and a few basic tools, Boulder-based Jessica Milavitz coaxes wood into unexpected forms that are every bit as fun as they are functional. Here, she shares more about her process and where it’s taking her next.

What informs your designs? I am mainly inspired by visions from meditations and by my home, the Southwest. I’m a Colorado girl born and raised. I spend my days staring at the sky, seeing that eagle fly on by, and the moon set behind the mountains at sunrise. I love horses, the wind and our unrelenting sun—all the things that make this region so enchanting. 

abstract wood sculpture by Jessica Milavitz

abstract wood sculpture by Jessica Milavitz

tabletop wood cabinet by Jessica Milavitz

tabletop wood cabinet by Jessica Milavitz

What materials do you gravitate toward? Right now, I just like working with wood. I’ve been exploring my local wood scene and experimenting with what grows around these parts. I’m also interested in rawhide. We will see where that goes. 

Tell us about your upcoming furniture line, which will integrate your sculptural work. This series is going to be a departure from my past work. I used to have more of a production focus, but now I just want to have fun. You can expect one-of-a-kind pieces that will be heavy on symbolism and form. I care a lot more about spirit, joy and wellness than I used to, so these values will be reflected in my creations. 

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